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  • Signing up to our mailing list is quick and easy. We do not wish to send you any spam or junk email, therefore, you can expect to receive mailshots including new product launches and updates, market trends, attendance at key industry events and much more. Randox promise never to sell your data and we will keep all your details, safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Policy.
  • Privacy Policy

    Randox Laboratories (Randox) Privacy Policy as updated February 2018.

    This Privacy Policy explains how Randox Laboratories handles the personal information that you provide to us on web sites controlled by Randox which link to this Privacy Policy (together referred to as “Randox Web Site(s)”). Unless otherwise specifically noted, this Privacy Policy does not apply to personal information collected from you offline, to Randox web sites that do not link to this Privacy Policy, to residents of the United States, or to third-party web sites to which Randox Web Sites may link. Your use of Randox Web Sites is subject to this Privacy Policy and the Online Terms of Use.

    Please read this Privacy Policy before using Randox Web Sites or submitting personal information to us.

    What is "personal information" as used in this Privacy Policy?

    “Personal information” means information that identifies you or could be used to identify you and which is submitted to and/or collected, in this instance, by Randox Web Sites. Examples of personal information include, but is not limited to, your name, your postal address, your e-mail address and your telephone number.

    How does Randox collect information online?

    Randox collects information in two ways:

    Personal Information You Submit:

    Randox collects personal information that you enter into data fields on Randox Web Sites. For example, you may submit your name, postal address, e-mail address, and/or other information in order to receive information about various subjects, register for Randox programs, contact Randox customer service, or respond to Randox surveys. To protect your privacy, you should not provide Randox with any information that is not specifically requested.

    Passive Collection of Unidentifiable Information: Randox Web Sites may collect information about your visits to Randox Web Sites without you actively submitting such information. Unidentifiable information may be collected using various technologies, such as cookies, and web beacons. Cookies are small text files that are transferred to your computer’s hard disk by a website. Web beacons (also referred to as GIF files, pixels or Internet tags) help Randox recognize a unique cookie on your browser. Your Internet browser automatically transmits to Randox Web Sites some of this unidentifiable information, such as the URL of the web site you just visited and the browser version your computer is operating.

    Passive information collection technologies can make your use of Randox Web Sites easier by allowing Randox to provide better service, customize Randox Web Sites based on consumer preferences, compile statistics, analyze trends, and otherwise administer and improve Randox Web Sites. Certain features of Randox Web Sites may not work without use of passive information collection technologies. Information collected by these technologies cannot be used to identify you without additional identifiable information and Randox will not connect additional identifiable information with the information collected through the use of such tracking technologies. With respect to limiting or disabling tracking technology please see below “What choices do I have about how Randox collects and uses personal information about me?”

    Google Analytics: The Randox website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. Google Analytics sets a cookie in order to evaluate your use of the website and compile reports on activity on www.Randox.com. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.

    How to reject or delete this cookie: Learn More

    Persistent Cookies: This type of cookie is stored on a user’s computer until it expires or until the user deletes it. Persistent cookies are used to collect identifying information about the user, such as user preferences which are remembered for the user’s next visit. This results in faster and more convenient access.

    Disabling cookies: If you do not want us to use cookies in your browser, you can remove cookies from your computer’s hard drive, or set your browser to block cookies or to send a warning notice before a cookie is stored on your computer. However, please note that you may not be able to use many of the services on our website or other websites without cookies.

    In what circumstances and for what purposes might Randox collect and use personal information?

    Randox will use the personal information you provide through Randox Web Sites to respond to your questions and to provide you with efficient customer service. After you have entered personal information into a form or data field on an Randox Web Site, Randox may use certain identifying technologies to allow that Randox Web Site to “remember” your personal preferences, such as sections of that Randox Web Site that you visit frequently and, if you choose, your user ID. We will only use your personal information for other business purposes, such as to offer you the opportunity to receive notices regarding Randox’s products or services, to invite you to participate in surveys about our products, or to notify you about special promotions if you provided us with your prior opt-in for such purposes.

    Does Randox consolidate personal information?

    Randox may consolidate the personal information of customers who use Randox Web Sites. In addition, we may consolidate information in a non-identifiable form (aggregate/anonymous data) to help us better design Randox Web Sites and Randox products, to enhance our research activities, and to facilitate other business functions.

    What choices do I have about how Randox collects and uses personal information about me?

    You may always limit the amount and type of personal information that Randox receives about you by choosing not to enter any personal information into forms or data fields on Randox Web Sites. Some of our online services can only be provided to you if you provide us with appropriate personal information. Other parts of Randox Web Sites may ask whether you wish to opt into our contact lists for offers, promotions and additional services that may be of interest to you.

    You may also be provided with preference questions or preference boxes allowing you to indicate that you do not want Randox Web Sites to use tracking technologies, such as cookies, to “remember” your personal information, such as user IDs or mailing addresses, on return visits. However, Randox Web Sites that use tracking technologies to collect unidentifiable information do not generally provide you with the ability to opt out of the tracking technologies. Some Internet browsers allow you to limit or disable the use of tracking technologies that collect unidentifiable information.

    Who will have access to personal information about me?

    Personal information can be accessed by a restricted number of Randox employees, by certain companies with which Randox may conduct joint programs, and by third parties with whom Randox contracts to carry out business activities for Randox. We train our employees about the importance of privacy and how to handle and manage customer data appropriately and securely. Also, it is Randox’s practice to seek your consent where required by applicable law if you are registering for a program which is conducted in conjunction with another company that may require access to your personal information. In addition, Randox’s practice is to require its contractors to keep your personal information confidential and to use your personal information only to perform functions for Randox.

    Does Randox share personal information with third parties?

    Except as otherwise stated in this Section, Randox will not transfer your personal information to third parties unless you have been provided with an opportunity to opt into this disclosure. Randox may disclose your personal information without your opt-in to third party service providers which assist us with our business activities. It is Randox’s practice to require such third party service providers to keep your personal information confidential and to use your personal information only to perform functions for Randox and in accordance with Randox’s instructions. Randox further reserves the right to disclose your personal information to respond to authorized information requests from government authorities or when otherwise required by law. In the event Randox sells one of its product lines or divisions, Randox will only transfer your personal information to the buyer subject to your consent where required by applicable law so that the buyer can continue to provide you with information and services.

    How does Randox secure personal information?

    It is Randox’s practice to secure each Randox Web Site that collects personal information; however, the confidentiality of personal information transmitted over the Internet cannot be guaranteed. We urge you to exercise caution when transmitting personal information over the Internet. Randox cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will not gain access to your personal information; therefore, when submitting personal information to Randox Web Sites, you must weigh both the benefits and the risks. In addition, Randox Web Sites covered by this Privacy Policy will display a warning whenever you link to a web site that is not controlled by Randox; you should check the privacy policies of such third-party web sites before submitting personal information.

    How does Randox protect the privacy of children?

    Randox does not knowingly collect or use any personal information from children (we define “children” as minors younger than 13) on Randox Web Sites. We do not knowingly allow children to order our products, communicate with us, or use any of our online services. If you are a parent and become aware that your child has provided us with information, please contact us using one of the methods specified below, and we will work with you to address this issue.

    How may I correct personal information or delete it from current customer records?

    With your support Randox will keep personal information accurate and up-to-date. You may request to remove, amend or correct your personal information. Please notify us of your wishes by contacting us in one of the ways specified below.

    How long will Randox store personal information?

    In general, Randox will only store your personal information for as long as it is needed to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, subject to applicable data retention periods imposed upon Randox by applicable law.

    How can I contact Randox?

    If you have questions about the scope, use, amendment, or deletion of personal information that you have provided to us, or if you would like to opt out of future communications from an Randox business or a particular Randox program, please contact by letter at the following address: Randox Laboratories Ltd, 55 Diamond Road, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, BT29 4QY.

    In all communications to Randox, please include the e-mail address used for registration (if applicable), the Randox Web Site address on which you provided any personal information about which you have questions or concerns (e.g. Randox.com etc.), and a detailed explanation of your request. If you would like to delete, amend or correct your personal information and are contacting us by e-mail, please put “Deletion Request” or “Amendment/Correction Request”, as applicable, in the subject line of the e-mail. We will do our best to respond to all reasonable requests in a timely manner.

    How will I know whether Randox has updated this Privacy Policy?

    If Randox changes its privacy practices, an updated version of this Privacy Policy will reflect those changes and we will notify you of such changes by updating the effective date at the top of this Privacy Policy. Without prejudice to your rights under applicable law, Randox reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect technological advancements, legal and regulatory changes and good business practices.

    Revised February 2018